as to why Studio One has a Sewing Central!!!
My maternal Grandmother was an excellent seamstress!
But, this granddaughter d i s l i k e s sewing!!!
Peculiar how blogging
can make such a huge influence on one's life, isn't it?
You wonderful blog ladies
have encouraged and inspired me immensely over the past year!
In August, I was inspired to complete
the vintage button wreath pillows for
Christmas Pillows In August!(here)
Again in October ,
you were there cheering me on to make adorable
vintage inspired stars for our Bits 'n Pieces booth(here)
at the Unique Antique Fall Market!
You applauded my efforts in December,
when I made my very first vintage inspired
Christmas Stockings in. . .The Stockings Were Hung!(here)
So~o~o. . .
"Mr. Ed" and I decided it was time
to set aside a designated space in Studio One
for sewing projects, should one (some) arise.
I began with my Grandmother's sewing bowl.
A smoky hued glass sewing bowl commemorative
with gold plated objects of sewing around the perimeter.
Beginning with a dress form. . .
a tailor. . .
a pressing board. . .
a sewing machine. . .
and ending with the pattern lay~out!
Tucked neatly inside
is Grandmothers vintage sewing case.
Grandmothers pin cushion in front,
my pin cushion from Junior High in the back!
Swirling the outer perimeter is my cloth
dressmaker's tape, also part of my Junior High
Homemaking Class supply list!
Most threads are on wooden spools,
however, a few are on spools made from Styrofoam.
I was d e s p e r a t e l y in hopes
of inserting my portable sewing machine
into a vintage sewing machine cabinet.
I was informed by "Mr. Ed" that my
best intentions were h o p e l e s s.
You win some. . .
you lose some!
Compromise is definitely the name of the game!
As for my endeavors in sewing,
most of the time, my sewing basket,
a needle, a spool of thread and scissors will suffice!
But, for those times
when you, dear ones encourage and inspire me. . .
I'll be ready and able to sew.
Now, that's another story!!!
Until next time. . .
* * * * * FYI * * * * *
The bear in the sewing bowl is from one of my Pen Pals.
The message on the tiny sewing basket reads. . .
Friends are threads
that help us
hold it together.
Thank you, dear blogging friends,
for helping me hold it together
by the threads of your friendship!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
On Crooked Creek will be joining
![]() | |
Susan @ Between Naps On The Porch
for Metamorphosis Monday!
Be sure to visit
for you’ll come away
filled with amazing inspirations
for use in your own home décor!
Oh such wonderful treasures. I love that you can have everything so organized in such lovely pieces. Hugs, Marty
Pat, not everyone likes certain chores or crafts, but I am so proud of you for going forward.
Your sewing items are priceless and I know they mean so much to you. I know people that won't even sew a button on. Have lots of friends that are aways asking me to stitch something up, sew a button on, etc.
My hats off to you for sticking to it.
Hi Pat, thank you for the lovely post you left on my blog sweet. I am like you...I'm not particularly good at sewing but it is so wonderful that you have sewing items from your grandmother...I am sure they are treasures to you. It is something how our fellow bloggers can inspire and influence us isn't it. Have a good weekend...Debra Sue
Hi sweet friend. I love that you and Mr. Ed decided to make a designated sewing area. I just bet that you will use it more than you think.
I also love that you have several of your grandmother's items to inspire you. Such sweet sentiment.
Such treasured items from your Grandmother. I bet you are loving your very own space.
What fun to have your grandmother's sewing things. I love to sew and for me it is just finding the time to do it- xo Diana
That bowl is wonderful and the perfect place to put your sewing things. I agree, our fellow bloggers have made me to want to start sewing again. I still have my tupperware sewing kit from HS Home Ec class!
Cheers for this new adventure. I don't know how to sew and must admit its fairly difficult craft to master. Hatsoff! Got my eye on your next posts.
Oh, I adore this treasures, my goodness, they are such special heirlooms from your grandmother. I love to hand embroider and I have a pretty one somewhere, which was a gift from my mom when I was a child. I need to start embroidering something for my girls. Thanks for your sweet and kind comments. Big hugs,
I'm not much of a seamstress myself, I like to sew but it doesn't seem to like me :) You certainly are organized now! My grandmother had a needlework seat chair very similar to the one in your photo! Looks so familiar!
A sewing bowl? this just does my heart good --I've just inherited some of my mother's old sewing items, and we've been teaching the younger women simple sewing skills in our mentoring group. And that's quite an asset you have there with all that thread. Have you bought any lately? Expensive. Lastly, my seamstress/quilter friend says gray is the go to color of thread for most anything rather than white. Who knew?
What a delightful little sewing corner. And the best part is having your grandmother's lovely treasures filling it. I also adore the cabinet your machine is sitting on. All is so very sweet. :)
Hi Pat! Oh, I'm so glad you've decided to hop into the sewing ring! :) Now I've never seen a sewing bowl and it's just lovely and even more lovely that it belonged to your grandmother. You still have things from your sewing class from Jr. Hi.? :) I took Home Ec all the way through High School. I loved it but I think all of my outfits were finished by my mother! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
What a wonderful space you have for when the sewing mood strikes. Your grandma's vintage sewing bowl must bring back lovely memories and what a keepsake it is. I enjoyed seeing your sewing projects, even though you dislike sewing!! Thank you for your visit :)
Thanks for the lovely comments about my farmhouse vignette. I love your unique sewing bowl and sewing related items from your grandmother. I don't sew either, but I might take it up sometime. There are so many lovely designs in blogland to inspire me. Love the vintage sewing machine cabinet as well!
Oh Pat, I wish I lived closer so I could get some sewing lessons! I never had interest in learning from my Mom but have her sewing machine. Her sewing basket went to my niece who loves to sew. I am in love with your sewing bowl!!
What beautiful treasures! My mother was a seamstress all her life. She still owns her fifty year old black Singer sewing machine with the bottom pedal. Remember those? Love, love your sewing basket. Enjoy the rest of your week! I am your new follower!
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