The softness that comes across my face, followed with my gentle response, doesn't appear to satisfy their understanding of how I could possibly enjoy going on a fishing trip ~ knowing I don't fish.
Vacation is my time away from routine. Relaxing ~ and enjoying ~ my life with "Mr.Ed". Time for nature walks, reading, Antique Shopping ~ and trying out new recipes. TIME.
We've been returning to the same vacation spot for nearly 21 years. The last six years @ Larry's Cedar Resort. We began by visiting their individual cabins, but the last two years, we've stayed in the same condo. . .and yes, we've reserved our space for 2012!
The condo comes with a fully equipped efficiency kitchen. . . and while we cook some of our meals ahead and freeze. . .I DO cook while we're there!
Cooking away from home takes considerable preparation and is the one time I actually do an entire week's menu planning. I plan for the number of breakfast, lunches, and dinners, along with some snack items; however, the actual day of a specific menu is determined around each days events.
S0~0~o. . .
here's What's On The Menu? 10
Annual Trout Fishing Trip to Bennett Spring State Park. . .
Tuesday ~ Travel Day:
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Granola Bar Meatloaf Bacon, Lettuce
Coffee Mashed Potatoes Tomato Sandwich
Green Beans Pineapple Chunks
Dinner Roll Raspberry Tea
Iced Tea
Just under a six hour drive from On Crooked Creek to Bennett Spring State Park, we break up the long drive by stopping in Fort Scott to visit my dad and step~mom. For lunch, we met at a local diner and enjoyed a home cooked meal with conversation before heading back onto Highway 54.
Wednesday ~ Settling In:
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
*Apricot Coffee Cake Hot Ham & Cheese Polish Sausage
Yogurt on a Croissant Boiled Potatoes
Coffee Iced Tea Green Beans
Hot Tea
This year, I simply u n w o u n d! I read my September/ October issues from my magazine collection, sketched some inspirations for the upcoming entertaining On Crooked Creek, had an encounter with a praying mantis and an overly aggressive hummingbird, and
n a p p e d while my classical music provided gentle background music.
Thursday ~ Excursion Day:
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Hot Ham & Egg Great Wall *Apricot Coffee Cake
on a Croissant Chinese Buffet Apricot Hot Tea
*Apricot Coffee Cake from Martha @ Lines from Linderhof! |
Unfortunately, our Antique and Outlet Shopping held some very real disappointments this year. I made a $2.00 purchase @ the Antique Mall. My purchases at the Outlet stores ~ again minimal. Hoping to be truly inspired by a beautiful home decor store with three amazing stories nearly brought me to tears. Traditions had sold in the past year and was replaced with a consignment store!
Friday~ Solidarity Day:
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
The Dining Lodge *Chicken Vesuvio~
Bennett Spring Breakfast Chicago Style
Solitude. The day when "Mr. Ed" and I go our separate ways. I drive "Mr. Ed" down to the Spring to fish ~ then I head into Lebanon and visit two other Antique Shops. An upcoming post on "Catch~of~the~Day" in the days ahead.
* Chicken Vesuvio ~ Chicago style from Wives with Knives... |
Saturday ~ The Final Stretch:
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Polish Sausage Hillbilly Burgers *Leftovers of
Eggs Chicken Vesuvio
Biscuits Hot Tea
Mandarin Oranges
S l o w start morning. Clad in our jammies and sweats, "Mr. Ed" and I shared the chores of breakfast. We lingered with coffee and conversation until the mid~morning hours. As he went off to his final full day of Trout Fishing, I journaled and reflected the year gone by and pondered the year ahead.
"Strength for the day and bright hope for tomorrow
~ Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside."
Sunday ~ Returning Journey:
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Scrambled Eggs El Charro
Bacon Mexican Dining
After a quick breakfast, "Mr.Ed" savors his last few hours of fishing while I put the final items in our suitcases and make the final sweep through the condo. Car loaded and check out @ 11:00 am, we begin the returning journey. After a leisurely visit with my dad and step~mom. . .we'll be looking ahead to our arrival On Crooked Creek.
Until next time. . .
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Be sure to visit and be inspired to start making and baking something delicious for your own family.
Sounds like you had a great time and by the looks, you didn't starve! Did you grow up in fort Scott?
Sound like a good escape! I love your planning -- and I do hope you like the coffee cake -- I thought it a good one!
Next time let me know when you're in Fort Scott and perhaps you can stop by for tea -- I promise it won't have cinnamon in it!
Oh Pat, this sounds like pure Heaven to me! My husband and I are planning a little weekend get away right now....maybe to the mountains of Gatlinburg, TN....take in the Fall foliage? I think YES!!
Enjoy your time!
Lou Cinda
O, so glad you had a nice vacation. We didn't go on one this year..maybe a little later in the fall...things were just too hot and hectic throughout the long summer.
We do love fishing..I actually love to fish more than Mr. Sweet..he, however, loves to eat them, and you can't run fast enuf to make ME eat fish. :)))
OOO, and he is 77 yrs old and still LOVES raw cookie dough..:)
This sounds like our favorite kind of vacation!
Hi Pat! Sounds so relaxing! Kudos for all of the meal planning! Hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie
Thanks Pat -- would appreciate the jars -- it does make for a fun gift!
Hi Pat...thanks so much for stopping by.
Sounds like a wonderful fact I KNOW it was a wonderful time.:-)
Did you ever have a meal at Dowd's Catfish in Lebanon? We do that now and then and even stop in Lebanon and pick up take out on our way to Bennett and have our fish dinner beside a stream.
I miss Traditions. Did not get there often, but it was a neat store with so many unusual things.
We love is a little slice of Heaven.
Hi Pat...
My friend, I completely understand why you love your "fishing trips"...even though you don't fish! It is exactly the same with us. When we head up to the mountains for honey loved to fish the stream. I just love sitting and taking in all the beautiful I can say...I love our fishing/camping trips! Hehe!
Well dear friend, it looks like you had a FABULOUS time! It's always fun to get away to some place different! Your fishing spot really is gorgeous...beautiful scenery! I loved how you shared your daily menus...I too, love to cook when we're out camping. It's just different! Sounds like great fun...getting to check out a few new antique shops! Did you find anything? Do tell, my friend! wink!
Thank you so much for sharing this sweet post with us! I really enjoyed getting to go along with you on your trip...through this post! So glad that you stopped by for a visit today! I always enjoy your sweet, sweet notes! Thank you!
Warmest autumn wishes,
What a plan! Your fishing trip sounds like it's going to be perfect! You'll get away, you will feel tremendous, sensational and you'll just be enjoying every bit of what makes you happy! Appreciating nature would be at the top of my list too! New follower! Happy I found your great blog.
I just love reading other people's menus. They provide so much insight into another life. I've been drooling over yours!!
You may be home by now and if you are I hope you had a good time. You were certainly organized! I like cooking on vacation too. It doesn't seem like work for some reason...
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