chain of events OR
the domino effect BUT
my dear friend ~ and former co~worker ~ summed up the latest happenings On Crooked Creek as
one thing leads to another. . .
After keeping our Grand Dog, Roscoe, I felt a th0rough vacuuming and dusting were in order On Crooked Creek. He's such a good boy ~ but when he stands up and shakes ~ his tiny dog hairs go
e v e r y w h e r e !
Since it had been awhile since Spring cleaning,
I pulled the furniture away from the walls to vacuum beneath and that's how
one thing led to another. . .
the final outcome was this!
Moving On Crooked Creek nine years ago, the Entertainment Unit was purchased to fill this South wall in the Living Room! It is huge! We both adore how it fits the space nicely. Behind the glass doors, "Mr. Ed" and I have showcased some of our treasured collections and heirlooms. But
for nine years the look only changed during the holiday season. . . at Christmas On Crooked Creek!
As, I'm sure you've read in Blog Land lately. . . ladies have been changing things in their home decor! While they haven't grown tired of their treasures and heirlooms; they are wanting some change in how those items are arranged. Same things; refreshed look!
My inspiration came from several sources. Two very dear blog friends.
Marty @ A Stroll Thru Life with her post Revisiting The Bookcase which you can view by clicking on the title. . .
Babs @ upstairsdownstairs with her post Texture ,
again, just click on her title to view her beautiful post!
So~ o~o~ as one thing led to another. . .
I began at the top and worked my way down!
Although I didn't change much atop the Entertainment Unit, everything was given a dusting and airy fern garlands were added!
Next came the left side of the unit. Again, cleaning all the glass and accessories as I went.
I adore how the garnet candlesticks, pedestal and hand painted planter give a rich hued backdrop for my angelic figurines. The ginger gar has such a stately presence when placed along side of my vintage books.
Prompted by the suggestion of my dear friend Debbie @ Memories of Home, I added more of my blue items to my usual red, gold and green hued decor.
( Note:
Marty, did you notice how I placed the books on their side, imitating those in your bookcase?)
Left ~ to ~ right . . .this side became more of a challenge. I began eliminating some previously used items and shopped the house for other accessories for a newer, refreshed look!
The vintage aqua planters are such lovely, stand alone, art pieces. I am thrilled at how they add softness and enhance my modest Hummel figurine collection! Mixing more garnet hued items with the blue creates a cohesive visual balance in the unit.
Babs, added a clock in her post on texture. I imitated her decor theory here to reproduce the garnet hues.)
One thing I struggle with On Crooked Creek is noise. Living within a few blocks of The Burlington, Northern and The Santa Fe tracks and K~ 15 Highway, I have taken refuge in continual soft background classical music. However, hiding those distracting silver stereo speakers is an ongoing struggle! By using my French Country planters, I am now able to enjoy the soft music without visual unpleasantness!
By shifting the vintage books to other areas, I now needed to fill in the open shelves below the glass doors. I felt it was time to showcase some of our "hidden" treasures from the lower level living areas for our viewing pleasures on the upper level.
Combined with some of our favored selections.
Although "Mr. Ed" and I didn't return our parents photos to the Entertaninment Unit, we have another "work ~in~progress" project where they might be better utilized. Time will tell.
Change is constant On Crooked Creek, and
one thing leads to another. . .
Until next time. . .
Just A Note:
A special note of thanks to Babs @ upstairsdownstairs, Debbie @ Memories of Home, Marty @ A Stroll Thru Life and Susan @ Between Naps On The Porch for their continued inspiration through their blogs, e~mails, and visits! Also, my friend and former co~worker, Laura who allowed me the use of a phrase from her e~mail for the title . . . one thing leads to another. You, dear ladies, along with the ladies in the Land of Blog are a source of continued motivation and creativity with your guidance and wisdom. You continue to bless my life in amazing and productive ways!
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On Crooked Creek will be joining our dear hostess Susan @ Between Naps On The Porch for Metamorphosis Monday. As you can see from this post, the Ladies in the Land of Blog are such great resources for making needed changes in your own home decor!
It looks lovely, Pat! I really do like the textures you have added! jaw hit the keyboard and I began to salivate when I saw your wonderful collection of Anduze pots...fabulous! I lust them! Beautiful display! Thanks again so much to Maurice for attending the par-tay! My girls loved meeting her and Baby Kitty sends special greetings! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
Pat, I am confident you would have done a beautiful job of re-do without any help. It is just lovely. Your collections are fabulous.
Have a great week ~
It looks wonderful and a nicely balanced...I am trying to work on redoing my book shelve but the MOJO is just not there at the moment...but at least it is not covered from top to bottom in toys anymore lol.
Keep up the good work.
Blessings Kelsie
Pat, YOur entertainment center is pack with so many lovely treasures to look at! It IS fun to change things us once in a while! I love that you took this step after reading some of our dear friend's blogs! See how we inspire each other?
You must have a superstore of a home to "shop" in!
YOu now have inspired me. My bookshelves need a little updating.
xo Yvonne
You did a great job and it is fun to change things around -- sometimes I don't do it often enough! I like what you did!
Nicely done, Pat! I love how you moved things around and hid the speakers.
Pat, Your entertainment unit looks so pretty and showcases your treasures perfectly. I like how you disguised the speakers and decorated the top of the unit. It looks so nice with the window frame and greenery. and I love the French planters on the top shelf.
Great ideas and you're so sweet to mention my post. Thank you so much. Hope you have a great week,
Pat, it turned out fabulous. I love how you've used such pretty and interesting treasures. Yes, I saw the books. I love it all. Isn't it fun to make some changes and have something different to look at. You did such a great job. Hugs, Marty
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